Flange separators are made according to DIN EN 1092-1 or ANSI B16.5. or any ather standards. Pressure connection on the device’s side is any type fe.: M20x1,5, G1/2”, NPT or others. Remote version is also possible using cappilary stiff or flexible. Its length is to agree. Wetted parts are made mostly of 304 or 316 steel. For chemical aggressive media Hastelloy is used or flange are PTFE covered.

PXT – Pressure transducer
PXT series is a group of transducers to measure media with high tempersture (about 250C). OthPXT series is a group of transducers to measure media with high tempersture (about 250C). Other functions like PX. er functions like PX.

NPX – Pressure transducer
NPX series is a basic and the most popular group of small pressure transducers with an inbuilt amplifier. These transducers are used instead of manometers. Power supply for them is 24 VDC and output signals are 4-20 mA with standard connector DIN43650. IF a plug-in indicator WWC1000 is added, it will results in a LED output transducer with 4-20 mA output signal. It is possible to make NPX transducer with any voltage output signal within range 0-10V.

PX – Pressure transducer
PX series is a group of can-transducers to measure pressure underpressure and absolute pressure. This series has a inbuilt amplifier converting output voltage from sensor to 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-10V (0-5V) output signal, This amplifier makes it possible to alter measure range. Power supply is here 24VDC.

PXW – Pressure transducer

PXM – Pressure transducer
PXM is a group of transducers to measure very small pressure, underpressure and absolute pressure of mainly air and dry gases (also fumes) within range +/-1,25mbar to +/- 60mbar . This series is supplied from 5VDC power source for output signals 0,25V to 4V. Power supply for output signals 4-20mA or 0-20mA is 19,5V to 36VDC.

TPX – Pressure transducer
TPX series is a group of transducers to measure absolute and relatived pressure of liquids and gases also chemicaly agressive. They are particular suitable for use in central heating and waterwork systems. Optionally, they may be equipped with radiators, wich make them applicable for measuring of medium with high temperature to 150C. Following output signals are available: 4-20mA,0-10V,0-5V and 0-20 mA using standard DIN3650 connector. If a plug-in indicator WWC1000 is added, it will results in LED output transducer with 4-20mA output signal.

WG09X4 conditioner
Four-channel conditioner with digit output signal Modbus RTU. Four separate WG09 amplifiers and RS485/USB converter constitue WG09X4. It is used to work with AC/AC group transducers. There is possibility to extend capability of this device to any number of channels.

PXAtm – Pressure transducer
Pressure transducer PXAtm measure atmospheric pressure in the range 900÷1100 hPa.

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