About us

PELTRON is a manufacturer of measuring equipment and control devices. We offer wide range of: LVDT transducers, pressure and differential pressures transducers, liquid level probes and also remote measurement monitoring and control systems.

PELTRON is a staff of well educated and trained specialists wich are ready to face any challenge to satisfy all our customers. This staff is a fundamental quarantee for assuring quality of our up-to-date achievements and their continuation.

PELTRON was establish in 1977 in a very difficult economic period of time for Poland as a company specializing in the field of measuring of non electrical quantities and particulary in industry control systems. Peltron at the beginning of its history, produced mainly LVDT transducers and condioners to them. Devices to measure: pressure , moisture, rotary speed and to redemation of dank buildings using electroosmosis method were produced also.

Expectations of our customers and market needs made us to put much effort to buils up a new building and to begin a new product-line of high quality pressure transducers.