PXT – Pressure transducerAsk about product Product description PXT series is a group of transducers to measure media with high tempersture (about 250C). OthPXT series is a group of transducers to measure media with high tempersture (about 250C). Other functions like PX. er functions like PX. Documents for download Data sheet Technical parameters Measure range ▪ 0÷10 bar minimal▪ 0÷1000 bar max Power supply 15÷36 VDC Output signals ▪ 4÷20 mA Rload≤(Ub-15V)/0,02Ω▪ 0÷20 mA Rload ≤(Ub-6V)/0,02Ω▪ 20÷0 mA Rload ≤(Ub-6V)/0,02Ω▪ 0÷10 V Rload ≥2kΩ▪ 0÷5 V Rload ≥2 kΩ Accuracy ▪ ≤ 0,5% MR standard▪ ≤ 0,2% MR option Pressure connectors Electrical connector rail or DIN43650 Application pressure measuement up to 250°C